Person Sheet

Name Anna Catherine Wilhelmina Roeth
Birth 24 Apr 1868, Oppershausen, Germany
Death 26 Jun 1903, Covington, Miami Co., Ohio
Father Karl\Carl Friedrich Roeth (1840-1892)
Mother Katherin\Catherine Wagner (1843-1917)
1 Simon Wehneman
Birth 8 Nov 1852, Loramie Township, Shelby Co., Ohio
Death 22 Jul 1928, Covington, Miami Co., Ohio
Father John Henry Wehneman (1817-1874)
Mother Anna Elizabeth Ficken (1825-1893)
Marriage 24 Apr 1890, by C. H. Moyer, Miami Co., Ohio
Children: Carl Henry (1892-~1984)
Albert Frederick (1893-1989)
Lawrence Edward (1896-1975)
Bertha Catherine (1897-~1990)
Notes for Anna Catherine Wilhelmina Roeth
Appears in some records as Anna Christena Wilhelmina Roeth.

My mother, Opal Wehneman Kingrey, has a sampler which came from the Roeth branch of the family. It has the initials CMS and the year 1782.
Anna Roeth was born near Oppershausen, Germany. She and her husband Simon Wehneman were married on April 24, 1890. He died in 1928, and both are buried in the cemetery at the site of the old St. Paul's Lutheran Church near Covington, Ohio, as are brothers Frederick (1854-1936) and George (1851-1937). Brother John (1859-1935) and his wife Elizabeth (1865-1935) are buried at Frieden's church.

The Miami Valley Genealogical Index lists her marriage to Simon Weheman, and her name is given as Annie E. Roeth.

Info from Roscoe Roeth gives children as Charles Henry, born 9/3/1891; Albert Fredrick, born 6/14/1893; Lawrence Edward, born 6/21/1896; and Bertha Catherine, born 11/16/1898.
Notes for Simon (Spouse 1)
From "History of Miami County, Ohio:"
SIMON WEHNEMAN, one of the representative men of Loramie township and of the Beech Grove Special School District since 1902, carries on farming on his place of 176 acres, in which he has one-half interest. He was born here on November 8, 1852, and is a son of John Henry Wehneman and a grandson of John Andrew Wehneman.
John Henry Wehneman was born and educated in Prussia-Germany and was twenty-one years old when he accompanied his parents to America and all settled in Miami county, Ohio, where the parents died (both are buried at Frieden's) and John Henry lived until his marriage, when he came to Loramie township. Here he secured eighty acres of the present farm, it being wild and covered with timber and to the clearing and subsequent cultivating of this land he devoted his best years. His birth took place March 16, 1817, and his death July 20, 1874. He was an honest, upright man, a hard worker and one who performed every duty of life to the best of his ability. He married Anna Elizabeth Ficken, who was born in Germany April 30, 1825, and died August 15, 1893, the burial of both being at Houston, Ohio. They were members of the United Brethren Church. They had the following children, all of whom were born on the farm of eighty acres: George, who resided on the homestead with his brothers; Simon and Frederick, who follow him in order of birth; Hannah who is the wife of LLoyd G. Hoon, residing at Bell Center, Logan County, Ohio; John, who married Elizabeth Stein, who lives on the grandfather's farm in Miami County; Anna Elizabeth, who married David Christian, residing in Darke County, Ohio; and Barbara Elizabeth, who is the wife of L. D. Fessler of Loramie township.
Following the death of the father, Simon and Frederick Wehneman took charge of the farm and when the mother died in 1893 bought the place, the additional land having been purchased in 1883 from James Clark. General farming and moderate stock raising have been successful industries and the land is all called very valuable. Simon Wehneman with his brothers and sisters obtained their education in the township schools and in these same schools, although under more favorable conditions, Mr. Wehneman's children have been educated. He married Miss Anna Christina Roeth, a daughter of Charles and Catherine Roeth, the former of whom is deceased but the latter survives and lives in Covington, Ohio. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Wehneman, namely: Charles Henry, Albert Frederick, Lawrence Edward and Bertha Catherine. The beloved mother of these children was born April 24, 1868, and died June 26, 1903. In every relation of life she was an estimable woman and with her husband and children belonged to the Lutheran church. Politically Mr. Wehneman has always been identified with the Democratic pary but has never accepted any office except membership on the school board, being induced thereto by his desire to advance the educational interests of his community.

From "Memoirs Miami Valley:"
SIMON WEHNEMAN Among its most intelligent and practical retired farmers, Newberry Township numbers Simon Wehneman, whose family has lent its good name and honest intent to Miami and Shelby Counties since 1837, and who is now the owner of a comfortable home and tract of land on Covington RFD No. 1. Mr. Wehneman was born in Shelby County, Ohio, November 8, 1852, a son of John Henry and Annie Elizabeth Ficken Wehneman, natives of Germany. John Henry Wehneman was still a young man when he immigrated to the United States, and one year after his arrival came to Miami County, where he settled in 1837. He was variously employed until the outbreak of the Mexican War, when he enlisted as a volunteer in the United States Army, under General Zachary Taylor, and saw two years of military experience. When he was honorably discharged he returned to Miami County where May 18, 1850, he married his wife and shortly thereafter removed to Shelby County, where his death occurred July 20, 1874, after he had engaged for nearly a quarter of a century in agricultural operations. Simon Wehneman was educated in the public schools of Shelby County and grew up on the home farm. He entered upon independent operations soon after the attainment of his majority and through industry and good management made a success of his affairs, accumulating two farms of 74 and 176 acres respectively, in Shelby County. In 1915 he rented his properties and came to Newberry Township, where he lives on a four-acre plot as a retired farmer. Mr. Wehneman was united in marriage June 26, 1893 with Miss Anna W. Roeth, who was born in Germany and immigrated to Shelby County in 1880, daughter of Charles Roeth, a farmer of that locality. To this union there have been born four children: Carl Henry, who is engaged in the operation of one of his father's farms; Albert Frederick, who makes his home with his elder brother; Lawrence Edward, who had eighteen months of training in the camp hospital at Morrison, Virginia during the World War period and now resides with his father; and Bertha Catherine, who resides with her parents. Albert Frederick Wehneman was placed in class during the World War, but was not called upon for service, and he and his brother Carl Henry did much effective soliciting for funds for the various war drives in Shelby County.

Last Modified New Created 30 Apr 2001 by Alan J. Kimmerling

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