Person Sheet

Name Mary E. Jay
1 Henry H. Myers
Birth 1843, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania
Father George Michael "Michael" Myers (1796-1890)
Mother Sophronia Deppeller (1797-1876)
Marriage 1871
Notes for Henry H. (Spouse 1)
From "Histoyr of Miami Co., Ohio" (Unigraphic): H.H. MYERS, dealer in boots and shoes, Pleasant Hill; one of the enterprising businessmen of Pleasant Hill; was born in Lancaster Co., Penn, in 1843; he is of German parentage, then son of Michael adn Roney Myers, who were both natives of Germany. They emigrated to America early in the present century, and located in Pennsylvania. Michael Myers was born in 1796, and is still living at the advanced age of 84 years, with his mental and physical faculties well preserved. Our subjects early education was limited to the common schools of Pennsylvania; he early turned his attention to the trade of shoemaker, which has been his vocation through life. During the late civil war, he exchanged the comforts of home for the privations and hardships of the camp and battle-field. He served three years as a member of the 110th O.V.I., which distinguished itself in many hard-fought battles. Our subject participated int he battles of Winchester, the Wilderness, the Shenandoah campaigns, the siege of Petersburg, and many others; at this latter place, Mr. Myers received a severe wound on the head, while storming the enemy's works, occasioned by a blow dealth with a gun in the hands of a rebel; he was honorably discharged at Columbus, Ohio, on the 2d day of July, 1865. After returning home, he resumed shoemaking; this he has since continued with an interval of four years, which time was engaged in farming. He now carries a large and well-assorted stock of boots and shoes, and practices integrity in all of his transactions. His marriage was celebrated with Miss Mary E. Jay in 1871. Three children have been born to them.
Last Modified New Created 30 Apr 2001 by Alan J. Kimmerling

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